Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

December 25, 2012
by Ml. Muhammed Shoayb

a failed attempt to purify what is forbidden

Q: Some boys and girl from went gambling.  One boy won 85 000.  He agreed to give it to another boy. So it went like this. X won 85 000. He gave it to Y on condition that Y would become the owner of it and thereafter give it back to X so it would not be casino money.  X also said he would give 15 000 to a local musjid. IS this allowed?

A: The entire wealth distribution as attempted by X and Y and wanting to give it to a musjid is haraam.  This haraam money must be given to the poor without any intention of reward or personal benefit.

Allah certainly Knows Best. 

December 9, 2012
by admin KyD

Q. salamu alakum,
i was wondering if a woman has a disease such as cancer, PCOS, hypothyroidism,that causes her hair to fall out may she add hair extensions?

A. Wa’Alaikum Salaam,

The answer to this question can be found here, inshaAllah.