Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Teaching Judaism and Hinduism is not enough


Q: I am a student at Pepperdine and we met in June for an interview. We have a student from (name withheld by website). His government is working on a more rigorous educational program. Part of their new syllabi is to be more inclusive of Hindus and Jews. As an imam or religious leader do you think that more of this would be better? And if so, what does your Islamic center do for better relations with jews and hindus. Thank you.

A: There is a widespread belief that education alone can prevent misfortune and lead to a more peaceful global society. However, this is a dangerously naïve notion. What we see today—whether from the perspective of social injustice, both nationally and internationally—proves otherwise. Education, in and of itself, is not the solution. Educated individuals have engineered some of the most advanced technologies, including aircraft equipped with precision weaponry, capable of taking lives without question. These actions are often supported by the world’s most powerful nations, highlighting the inadequacy of education when it is devoid of ethical guidance.

Education must be coupled with purpose, humanity, and humility. Without these qualities, education can become a tool for destruction rather than a force for good. As the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: The best of people are those who bring the most benefit to humanity. This Hadith reminds us that true education is not just about acquiring knowledge, but about using that knowledge to benefit others and promote justice.

In a world where education is often misused, what we truly need is a holistic approach—one that integrates education with moral values, empathy, and a sense of responsibility toward all of humanity. Only then can we hope to create a world that is not only educated but also just and peaceful.

I will not delve into what nations should or should not teach. Education should never be hindered; however, it must not come at the expense of spirituality and humility, nor should it be merely glossed over with the label of ‘progress.’ True learning should integrate and respect our spiritual values and ethical principles, ensuring that it enriches both the mind and the soul, rather than merely advancing technological or societal milestones.

Thank you for your question. In future, rather than email me, you have my number, merely text your question. Wishing you the best in your studies.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

P.s. We are part of the interfaith local chapter. We welcome guests to learn about our faith, and we have regular guests attending our sessions.

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