Q: my mother passed away. My sister in law showed my mothers face to everyone that was at the funeral house. men saw her face, woman saw her face. When i objected im told because she is dead her face can be seen. As part of custom this done in many homes. Is this okay? or just makrooh? Can her husband kiss her good bye as some do?
A: The body of a ‘woman is awrah (to be concealed)’
This hadith does not make a distinction between a woman that is alive or a woman that has passed away. Therefore, displaying her body after she has passed away is not only wrong, but also a sin. her body cannot be shown of to strange men.
The body of a woman cannot be shown to anyone that she can or could have married, for example, male cousin, etc. The custom of viewing the body by non-mahram is incorrect and should be let go off.
As for kissing the body, according to darul muktaar, a husband may not touch the body, however, he may look at her face. He would only be able to touch the body if there is not a competent person to carry the body or wash it.
Allah Certainly Knows Best.