Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Q: As muslim who do we vote for?


Q:How should we approach voting in 2024 as Muslims. The current political landscape, especially considering the situation in Palestine and congresses bowing to Netanyaho on every request of his despite him being viewed as a war criminal. Do we go democrat or republican? Is abstaining from voting an option? We getting mixed responses. JAK

A: Although the situation regarding Palestine is challenging, it is imperative that we vote. Voting is not simply about aligning with Democrats or Republicans; it involves recognizing the diverse range of parties and candidates available. Each individual has a responsibility to conduct thorough research and vote with a well-informed conscience. Allah (SWT) says in the Quran: And those who respond to their Lord and establish prayer and whose affair is [determined by] consultation among themselves, and from what We have provided them, they spend. (Quran 42:38).

This Ayah emphasizes the importance of mutual consultation and involvement in decision-making processes, which includes participating in elections.

However, voting alone is not sufficient. Our engagement must extend beyond the ballot box. It is crucial to become active in the political landscape and work towards meaningful change. This can be achieved by forming and joining groups that focus on social justice, advocating for the rights of the oppressed, and addressing the needs of our communities. The Rasool (SAW) said: Whoever among you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand; if he cannot, then with his tongue; if he cannot, then with his heart, and that is the weakest of faith. (Sahih Muslim). This Hadith encourages us to take action against injustice in any capacity we can, regardless of the oppressor being a Muslim or non-Muslim. By organizing and participating in discussions, raising awareness, and advocating for social justice, we embody the principles of good and righteousness.

Becoming active in the political and social landscape means more than just being a voter; it means being a proactive member of society. Form groups that address issues such as human rights, environmental protection, and economic equality. Engage with local and national representatives to voice concerns and propose solutions. Participate in community service and outreach programs to support those in need.

In essence, our duty extends beyond our personal interests. We must strive to be an embodiment of good, advocating for justice and equity. By doing so, we not only fulfill our civic duties but also uphold the teachings of Islam, which call for justice, compassion, and active participation in the betterment of society.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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