Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

I feel weak, can i bully you on Zakah issue


Q: When a person has amount of nisab that person cannot get zakah. Period. I have spoken to a few mufti and they have said that once nisab is attained then zakah does not apply for that person. If you are a true alim e deen you should no this much. Please answer publicly and don’t hide behind a screen. This question is in regards to XXXXX (names withheld by our site.)

A: Let us begin by acknowledging the complexity of the situation involving the brother and his family. This matter is layered and intricate, touching on the safety and security of a woman living in a strange land alone, the well-being of her children, and a husband who may sometimes require assistance in decision-making, among other stressful factors. Given the sensitivity of this community related issue, it is crucial to address it thoughtfully, with respect and dignity. I hope you will forgive me for saying that these qualities may be lacking in your current approach or in you as a human.

This is not a situation where any single perspective should dominate, particularly if it comes across as narrow-minded or dismissive. What is needed here is understanding and empathy, not bitterness or negativity. Allah (SWT) is kind to those that are kind. (Paraphrased from hadith.)

No single Mufti can provide a simple answer because the situation involves multiple layers and dimensions. When dealing with matters that affect sensitive areas like family well-being and safety etc as outlined above, it remains essential to approach with care and avoid jumping to conclusions.

To clarify the specifics:

No one has specifically requested your Zakah. The request is for donations or funds which can be fulfilled through either Zakah or Sadaqah. It is now important for each person to research what needs to be done. If one is in doubt, one can always give Sadaqah. It is important to remember, as the Hadith teaches us, that Sadaqah has the power to alleviate difficulties and protect from hardships. (Paraphrased.)

Regarding Zakah and similar cases, there are multiple opinions. 1) One opinion is that Zakah should be given if a person’s basic yearly living expenses cannot been met. This may not be the ideal approach in every situation. 2) Another opinion, which you referenced suggests that Zakah should be provided to those in difficulty. Once they reach the Nisab threshold, they may no longer be eligible for Zakah. However, this person could still receive Sadaqah depending on their circumstances. 3) A final option is the following: when a person becomes eligible for zakah, the community collects the entire amount they wish to give, even if it beyond nisab (aka 100k, etc) they collect it and give it to her at one go.

If you are uncertain about how to allocate your funds—whether to use Zakah or Sadaqah—consider making it the intention for sadaqah. This would reflect true generosity.

The most appropriate action would be to offer Zakah at the time when the recipient is most eligible and thus immediately giving it to them.

Lastly, true generosity is not confined to just fulfilling the obligation of Zakah. If Allah (SWT) has blessed you with wealth, it is an opportunity to give generously beyond the minimum requirement, with the knowledge that Allah (SWT) will continue to bless you and your family, Insha’Allah.

Let us approach this matter with the care, respect and the consideration it deserves.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

P.s. First and foremost, you have not shared the question you posed to the Mufti, which makes it challenging to fully understand what was discussed. Answers are always based on the specific questions asked, so without transparency, it remains difficult to grasp the complete context. Let us approach this with clarity and consideration rather than an attitude of superiority. On the other hand, you are welcome to share my response with your Mufti’s for further clarification.

Additionally, people like you do not deserve a response. You come across as bitter, narrow-minded and lacking even the basic human courtesy and decency needed for a constructive conversation. Had this not been a serious matter—one where community support would yield greater reward in the eyes of Allah (SWT), and assistance for a person in a vulnerable situation—our admin would have shunned your inquiry. May Allah (SWT) have mercy on you, Inshallah, Ameen.

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