Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America


Q: Asalamualikum,

For a job interview I had to look neat and cut my hair and my nails grow fast. I was told not to cut them in zhul hijja. What is the penalty for this sin? Does this make my animal qurban invalid? JAK

A: Walaikumsalam,

May Allah (SWT) give you success in all you do, Insha’Allah, ameen,

Rasulullah (SAW) said: When the ten days (of Dhul Hijjah) begin and a person has an animal for sacrifice which he intends to slaughter, then let him not cut his hair or trim his nails. (Muslim). In another Hadith: Whoever has an animal for slaughtering, once the crescent of Dhul Hijjah has been declared he should not cut his hair or trim his nails until he has sacrificed. (Muslim)

Our if necessity, if the one sacrificing an animal has to cut their hair and nails, this would not necessarily be a sin. This will also not affect the sacrifice of the animal.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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