Q: Okay, is the veil worn when i get my first menses? me and my sisters were debating when it must be done. When married? after first child? never? whenever? (text)
A: Veil wearing starts at or after maturity, upon the bodies development and showing of the features of womanhood. General consensus would refer to it being after maturity, the point in which a woman starts being viewed as a woman.
Generally this requirement would set itself when she is between the age range of 13 – 16. For girls in the west and we all being aware of their challengers, she can start wearing it gradually so as to accustom herself with the veil. Once made familiar to her, she can then move on to phasing the hijab in at all times when departing her private confinements.
Allah Certainly Knows Best.
p.s. Type in key word hijab, jilbab, etc. for more information. The challenge is great, the reward for doing the right thing is greater. Kndly type in, hjab, jilbab, etc. for better understanding of this matter.