Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

‘just do it’ and save yourself from doubt


Q: Is Quarbani one sheep per family ?

What if Husband and wife are both earning and both eligible for Qurbani, then do both of them need to give 1 sheep each or is 1 sheep enough for both of them?

A: Sayidinah Abu Hurairah (RA) reports that Rasoolullah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said, “He (the one) who has the means of performing Qurbani but does not do so should not come close to our Musallah (Place of the Eid Salaah).

It is not an issue of one sheep per individual or one sheep per family, it is an issue of who qualifies.  Nor is it an issue of working or not being employed, but rather, having the means to do it.

Thus, Qurbani is wajib upon a mature fe/male, every sane person who possesses nisaab during the days of Qurbani while not being a musafir (traveler.) The days of Qurbani upon which these rules apply are the 10th, 11th and 12th of zul hijjah.

If you qualify by these standards, then by all means you should do it. Allah (SWT) has made it easy for us, we can do it locally or abroad through a reputable agency that will do it for you.

May Allah bless you, ameen.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

p.s. One may also contact us at the Musjid, should you want us to do it for you.

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