Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

loyality does not mean total/blind submission


Q: there was a question about your Friday speech. Imaam you said Muslims must be loyal to America. Some of us view that as becoming part of the system in doing whatever America wants us to do – morality, politics and the like. This also means not being loyal to islam. Can you please explain (text)

A: I appreciate you seeking clarification on this sensitive statement during times of strife and awkwardness for many Muslims.  Muslims have been made to feel ‘unfit’ in lands that are both — Muslim as well as nonMuslim.

Loyalty does not mean choosing between Islam and America. It means being faithful to that which we value and stand by without salvaging our cherished principals.

When America or Muslim leaders do something that contradicts our values, they must be questioned in a nice manner without suspicion and prejudice. As Musa (AS) was told, speak gently with you deal with the one that may not cherish your values.  Our Rasulullah (SAW) too dealt with those in authority with manners and dignity.  This is the Islamic way. Thus, we too must ask healthy questions when we see things that are against our principal values. To question means to be loyal, for when we question, we intent should be that we want to improve our environment.

Those in position of assisting members of society in correcting matters should likewise view questions in light of people wanting clarification for betterment and well being of our nation – be it America or Islamic countries/leadership. None must view questions in a negative light.

Rasulullah (SWT) was questioned, caliph were questioned, wives of Rasulullah (SAW) were questioned, sahaba were questioned. To be questioned is not against religion. We must be respectful and cordial while doing so.  We should be clean hearted and want the best for all when doing so. This is very much part of who we are – both as citizens of America as well as Muslims.

I am thankful you have given me an opportunity to clarify my position on the area of loyalty.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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