Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

dua for a parent


Q: Does my making dua for a parent to convert to islam always work? What dua can you recommend for me. I feel bad for my (xxx).

A: Every person is accountable for themselves. Allah guides whomsoever He Wills to whatever pathway He wills. Some prophets had few followers, some had none at all. Islamic religiosity is not based on conversion. It is based on self-piety not self-righteousness. Members of the family of the prophet had individuals who refused conversation. This is not an indication of weakness. This is not an indication of rejection.

Sometimes the dua is accepted immediately. Other times it is postponed. Yet, other times one is rewarded in the hereafter for the prayer. Sometimes we are given reward for the dua in both the worlds. The ability to make a prayer and wish people well is a gift from Allah (SWT). Dua is also an act of worship.

Yes, making prayers works. It has worked. It does not guarantee success regarding anyone’s conversion.

Using medicine does not always secure superior health. Yet, we many times turn to medical professionals to prescribe us treatments, and we hope that (in the case of severe illnesses) one of treatments will be successful.  As many of us are aware, there are times when no medical efforts are helpful. Dua (prayer) gains closeness to the Creator, even when we don’t see the results in what we pray for. Prayers facilitate love for good deeds, secure a better paradise and affirm faith. Thus, your prayers are not wasted. You do what you need to do and Allah would do what is best for all, inshaAllah, Ameen.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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