Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Cremation and Janazah


Q:We have a case in which a man was cremated, can janazah salah be performed. Yes? No?

A: While there may be an academic debate regarding whether such a Janaza prayer would even be considered valid when none of the body remains and only ashes are present, it is important to note that some allow for the performance of the Janaza prayer in such circumstances, especially when the Muslim deceased is not at fault for his cremation.

For those that do allow for a janazah to occur, they should also make clear, if the prayer is conducted, it should be done privately – without public invitation so as to prevent the promotion of such undesirable and prohibited practices within communities. It should also be done by a person that does not have any major religious position in the community. There must never be the perception of approval for such an action.

This is a major sin, we seek Allah (SWT’s) forgiveness.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

P.s. I am told that a particular scholar allows for it. I personally think its allowance is with conditions as mentioned above.

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