Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Travel — fast or not to fast


Q: If a person is traveling, for example, I know I will be traveling in Ramadan, should I fast on the day I travel? We are getting mixed information. Some say to fast because travel is made easy, while others say not to fast. One person even said to fast and then break it. What should I (we) do? Please share proof.
A: Asalamualikum:

Thank you for your question and seeking clarification on this important matter.

  1. Allah (SWT) clearly states that if one is sick (according to the advice of a good Muslim doctor) or traveling (as a musafir), then one does not need to fast. (Reference, Quran.)
  2. It is not ideal to break the fast once you have started: Do not invalidate your good actions. (Reference, Quran.)
  3. If someone advises you to fast and then break it, they may mean that you should resemble a fasting person, as it is not good to eat in front of others who are fasting or in public as a Muslim during Ramadan. Maybe they meant this, however, please share the proof of where they got this from, considering I have given you 2 ayah above and a hadith below. I would like to get more insight to this matter for learning purposes.
  4. Aishah (RA) reports that Hamzah ibn Amr al-Aslami (RA) inquired to Rasool (SAW): Should I fast whilst traveling? He was from amongst those that fasted a lot. He (SAW) said: If you want to, then fast; if you do not want to, then do not fast. (Bukhari). Thus, one must choose one: fast or do not fast. One cannot do both simultaneously.
    Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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