Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Life support and Islam


Q: Can we remove a person from life support?

A: In Islam, the sanctity of life is paramount, and decisions regarding life support must be approached with careful consideration and in alignment with Islamic teachings. The Quran and Hadith provide specific guidance on life and support of life, several principles can help Muslims navigate such decisions.

The Quran emphasizes the preservation of life, stating: And do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden, except by right (Quran 17:33). This verse underscores the value of human life and implies that taking a life, except when justified by Islamic law, is forbidden.

Additionally, the Hadith encourages seeking medical treatment and utilizing available resources to preserve life. The Rasool (SAW) said: Make use of medical treatment, for Allah has not made a disease without appointing a remedy for it, with the exception of one disease, namely old age (Abu Dawud).

In light of these principles, if medical experts determine that there is no hope of recovery for a patient on life support, it may be permissible to discontinue life support after thorough deliberation and consultation with knowledgeable individuals. However, this decision should not be made lightly, and all efforts should be made to seek alternative opinions and explore all treatment options.

It is prudent, when placing a patient on life support, to state the intention that it is only temporary, until a resolution can be found. Once it is determined that no cure exists, immediate removal from life support is recommended. Delaying removal at this point could be considered a sin, as one would be assuming the role of God.

Allah Certainly Knows Best

P.s. Please contact a good Muslim doctor for deeper insight.

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