Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

web of the hands and feet


Q: When I make whudu I  was told to wash between wash fingers and toes. This I know. But I am also told to make khilaal. Why do we have to do it (washing) twice. Just curious. Thanks. (text)

A: Khilaal is wiping of the webs of the hands/toes after one has washed the hands/feet. In the case of hands, the khilaal is done after the wiping of the head also known as  masah.  In the case of the feet, it is done after the washing of the feet. khilaal is not fard (compulsory.) It is viewed as sunnah – e – muakkadah (emphasized sunnah.) Doing it increases the reward of the whudhu.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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