Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Did Imam Shafee say that?


Q: Why is it that it is necessary for Shafee people to read zohar salah after the Jummah Salah? Why did Imaam Shafee say we must read zhar after Jummah? any comments would be helpful. Thanks

A: Those who claim that performing Dhuhr salah after the Jummah salah is necessary based on the teachings of Imaam Shafee (rahimahumullah) is a fabrication upon Imaam Shafee and and other genuine Shafee scholars. Another erroneous claim that is routinely mades is that because a Jummah salah has been completed in the main Masjid of a given city, all other Jummah prayers that occur thereafter in the various location of that city should be followed by a Dhuhr salah. Imaam Shafee did not say this either.

The Dhuhr salah performed after the Jummah salah is done out of sheer ignorance. This practice is incorrect. Performing Jummah salah has a set of requirements, once these requirements are completed, the Jummah salah would be viewed as valid and one does not need to repeat by performing the Dhuhr prayer.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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