Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Work and spiritual life balance



Assalamualakum Imam Shoayb, my name is (withheld for privacy by this website) (Additional private information withheld.) I talked to my manger about this and I know for a fact that I wouldn’t be able to work without doing this as I am an ER tech. However as an ER tech I may be put under situations where I have to clean male private areas. I want to limit this as much as possible and I was able to avoid doing this when working as a CNA in another department in my hospital. My manger said that she needed proof that I cannot do male private care. I also told her I cannot feed or serve pork as well as I have 5 daily prayers. I work 12 hour shifts and my manger stated I can’t work until I have this issue settled. I was wondering if you could provide a letter about these religious accommodations as proof. I understand you have a very busy schedule and if this is not possible perhaps if you could direct me to someone who could help me with this. JazakAllahukair

Answers: Walaikumsalam, Sister:

I appreciate your inquiry and you wanting to do the correct thing. As Muslims, we gain our strength by helping one another do what is correct or ‘most preferred.’ You have chosen a noble profession, may Allah (SWT) reward you for this in abundance, ameen. We live in a time where personal rights and religious values as well as wishers and preferences intersect with professional responsibilities. Islam provides guidance that helps us navigate such situations with clarity and compassion. Below are my two responses to both the issues you have raised, along with practical advice rooted in Islamic principles.

Answer part A: Assisting patients with personal hygiene matter

Islam is a religion of character and wants to protect the imaan (faith) of every faith holder. At the same time, as part of your occupation, certain tasks require you to assist patients with intimate care. While it is not haram for a woman to assist in cleaning ‘male genitalia under necessary circumstances,’ Islam encourages modesty and privacy — and the comfort of both — the caregiver and the patient. The general preference in Islamic teachings is that tasks involving private areas are ideally performed by someone of the same gender, more so whenever possible. As noted in the Haidth: Verily every religion has a character, and the character of Islam is modesty. While this is the ideal, if such employment duties cannot be avoided, than one can continue with such matters while seeking an alternative without causing a loss of employment, and ‘potential destruction of self.’

Please give consideration to the following:

  • Kindly request that you assist female patients whenever possible, and male patients under the conditions that ‘male genitalia is not being touched.’
  • Make it clear that while you respect your professional obligations, you prefer not to perform such tasks unless absolutely necessary.
  • If no alternative is available and the care is essential, you may perform the task with the intention of fulfilling your duty while upholding Islamic principles of dignity and respect.

The response if based on partially the following ayah: And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is severe in penalty. (Surah Al-Ma’idah, 5:2)

This approach allows you to maintain your values while balancing the needs of your workplace.

Answer part B: Serving Pork:

Islam unequivocally prohibits the consumption and dealing with pork, and serving is also uncomfortable for practicing Muslims. The Qur’an explicitly states: Prohibited to you are dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine…(Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:173)

While serving pork to others does not equate to consuming it, you should express your discomfort and seek an alternative role within the organization. This is the view held by all traditional faith that believe in one God – that pork is forbidden.  Consider the following steps:

  • Politely explain your religious perspective and request to be assigned to tasks that do not involve serving pork.
  • If serving pork is unavoidable, request a transfer to a position or department that aligns better with your religious values.
  • If your request is denied, you may serve the food while continuing to pursue a role that aligns with your principles, ;as necessity allows leniency in such matters.; (This final suggestion would be rejected by majority of scholars, thus it exists only under the condition that you seek another space of employment while doing your current tasks. This part very few scholars would disagree with.)

Deeds are judged by intentions, and every person will be rewarded according to their intention. (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 1)

Thus, if you find yourself in a position where serving prohibited food is unavoidable, your intention and ongoing effort to find a more suitable role will be acknowledged by Allah (SWT).

You have also requested a letter. In my experience, show them the above, and generally, mangers will compromise and assist as to the above request. We live in a diverse nation, and generally, when employers see such an effort by employees, they do help out as best as they can.

Jazakallah for you inquiry and you wanting to do the correct thing.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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