Q:“Eating of Beef will cause health issues ” Is this statement quoted in any Hadees.
Time: Tuesday November 8, 2011 at 12:30 am
A: Assuming your name is zaynab or imraan, would that name be correct for you since there is no mention of you having such name in any Hadith book? Likewise, nowhere in the Hadith is states: live in America, so does that mean we must all seek a boat/ship for a rapid exit?
Quran states: eat that which is ‘pure.’ If it can be proven that cows etc. are fed things that are unhealthy, then naturally one should eat such foods with precaution and based on the bodies limited need for it. This has been a standard answer as it applies to foods in general.
Should you wish to consume all the ‘beef; that is in the market, by all means you should go for it.
Allah Certainly Knows Best.