Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

student matters matter


Q: Assalaamualaikum

I am non Muslim student (I am XXXXX (name and other information withheld by site due to privacy matters). During the past few years, i have noticed that i am not dedicating myself to schoolwork like i use to. I am being distracted very easily and always seem to be things, that i am not suppose to. I try to make myself study everyday for a little bit to keep the pace going, but it doesn’t seem to be working. I use to be really good at getting my homework done and understanding the materials, but over the past years, i have noticed myself not understanding what i am reading, not understanding any of the material and just not being able to concentrate. As much as i try to make myself focus, i get distracted and cannot comprehend anything that i have learned. It’s been really hard on my studies and my grades. I was wondering what steps i can take to become a better student, and get back on track. Thank you.

A: Wishing you well and thanks for taking out the time to send us your concern. The question-timing is good, it would be of benefit to many of our students this time of year.

In discussing with students, the below is observed:

The cause for many students to lapse in attaining peak performance is consistency. Student success is defined by way of  having consistency in doing the same task (studying) over and over at the same time and place with a schedule at hand with and an end goal in mind. This sounds easy for some, boring to others. Yet, research has made note that this is exactly what gives superior results to all.

So why can this not be achieved by over 90% of the population!

Consistency and having an eye on an end goal(s) is necessary to minimize distractions and increase personal satisfaction and success. Distractions come in many forms – parking matters, video games, constant email-checkups, online chats with new ‘buddies,’ professor having a poor lecture planned, hearing in on a parental conflict, peer pressure matters, weather, bumping into a friend that refuses to pay you money owed, not comprehending a lesson and putting the lack of comprehension off till exam week/day, matters related to burn out, not having an end goal that is valued beyond the aspect of monetary gain, etc. Coupled to some of these factors, on a given day, we let so many things pull us down from our smarts. Yet, we consider ourselves strong and student-like. An evaluation is necessary as to what is really bothering you.

For example, in order for students to succeed: students must ask themselves: what am i doing that causes me to lag behind in what I am to be best in. After all, a student by definition as that individual that excels in student related matters. For example, if a student is having an over sleeping problem, then they must find a way to cut the excess sleep and use this extra time to focus on your studies. Sure, extra sleep can be attained on Sundays, or when sleep is going to be least impacting upon your studies.

As for those other things that distract you, we do realize that it is hard for some people to not be bothered by their friend not paying them back their favorite $5.00 loan; for such related matters,  dedicate 45 minutes a day to catch up on such events/trivialities. Leave it to only to 45minutes a day. Preferably these 45 minute sessions would be prior to your exercise, family time, relaxing time — all of which are important for the benefit of the mind.

Try the above suggestions and let us know how it works. The above would have to be tried out for an entire semester without fail.  Kindly read this as well as this for added benefit.

We thank you for your query, best of luck in all your studies.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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