Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

look at my wife everyone. she is better than…


Q: Ya Shiek, I am an attractive woman. When i go to the musjid men stare at me. this bothers me. I prefere to stay at home whenevr i can. This is how we grew up. My husband insists that I go to the masaajid and pray. I prefer to pray in the home. Would I be liable (sinful) if I went to the masaajid with him?

A: If your husband insists that you go to the musjid for prayers, to keep the harmony in the home you can do so. You would not be held sinful in such a situation. However, you should kindly explain to him your preference of praying in the home and that it is more virtuous for a woman to pray in the inner most part of her home then at the Musjid. Should he still persist, then Allah would continue to reward you for maintaining harmony.

In line with the correct opinion that prayer performed in the home is best for woman, more so at the time of corruption — at a time when attending musjids has moved from the spiritual to the entirely social arena thus proving itself nothing more then a social den — under such circumstances one can pray their fard in the musjid and sunnah and nafl prayers at home. Or at least your nafl prayer at home when and if if sunnah proves difficult. This would prevent your home from becoming similar to a graveyard as mentioned in the hadith. This added sacrifice on your part would reap supreme rewards and function as a great example for those that possibly surround you, InshaAllah, Ameen.

If your beauty is posing a distraction, then clad yourself using greater levels of stringency/modesty. Eliminate the usage of makeup/perfume in public as per hadith. Doing so would keep you amongst the pious inshaAllah on the Day of Judgement, Inshaa-Allah, Ameen.

May Allah bless you and keep you steadfast and a shining example/pillar to all. May He also bless us with your good attributes, ameen.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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