Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

you look at your feet and i shall look at mine


Q: As Salamu Alaykum,

Imam, I had a question in regards to women and salah.
So I was told that Shafi’i women must cover their feet during salah, is that true?
Since I follow that madhab and I don’t pray with my feet covered…is my prayer void?

jazakallahu khair

Time: Tuesday November 17, 2009 at 4:38 pm

A: ?????? ?????? ????? ???? ???????

The majority:

Yes, it is true that it is best for Shafee woman to cover their feet during salah. This claim remains correct according to Imams Shafee, Malik, and Hambal. Feet being covered according to these Imaams do not mean that it is a Fard obligation. Due to negligence of exposing your feet, your prayer would not be void. The Salah would be filled with disrepute if you are doing it intentionally without a valid reason at a time that prefers its concealment.

For Hanafee woman a covering would be a virtuous action. More so when attending prayers away from the home, i.e. public setting, Musjid, school, etc.

All scholars are unanimous that a person would be sinful if they are staging their feet as an attractant to strangers. More so if the feet are exposed and layered with nail polish, alluring sandal types, anklets, etc. Salah would be valid, the action would be despicable.

Simple proof

Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) made it clear to Umme Salamah that women should cover their feet. This is also narrated as part of the Sunan. Part of her definition included the feet as part of the female awrah. It would be futile for us to argue against a sahabi woman regarding matters that pertain to her and the ruling she derived from Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) as to actions that pertaining to female covering.

Added to the above: regarding the prohibition of dragging the lower garment, Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) responded: ‘They (woman) should extend them a span (more than the men).‘   Umme Salamah said, ‘Then, their (woman’s) feet will be uncovered!’ Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) responded, ‘Then, they (woman) should extend them a cubit (extend the covering of the feet a little more), not exceeding that.‘ (This Hadith proves that men and woman are not to wear their bottoms in the same manner. Men a little shorter — above the ankle and woman longer — below the ankle! This Hadith also indicates that socks add to the dress code could very well fulfill the added task of a woman covering her feet!) (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood)

Ibn Qudama in al-Mughni (1:349) also agrees with the above: ‘All of the woman’s body is considered her (awrah) nakedness (to strange persons).’

We would not make  Fard what Allah has not made Fard, but we sure recommend it in light of the above.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.


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