Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

salaah and the graveyard


Q. If a Hadith states that we cannot make our home into graveyard; does that not contradict prophets being buried where they pass away? (Friday Q and A session)

A. No, the Hadith you are possibly referring to pertains to nafl salah being performed in the home. Not doing so aids in the home resembling the graveyard. This Hadith also helps as a reminder to men performing their salaah in the musjids and their nafil salaah in their homes. This hadith also helps as a reminder for woman to pray at home and noting that salaah functions as a great example for children, as well as other family members.

Men should always try and pray their salaah at their local Masjid and perform their sunnah salaah  and nafl salaah in their homes if they feel that they would not forget to do so. Should they not be able to perform it at home, then musjid would best function for this purpose.

The Hadith data you have attained is a little flawed with its true meaning and implication. May Allah (SWT) bless you for the question and asking us for clarification.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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