Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Golden buttons on male attire


Q: Asalamualikum,

Can a man wear what appears to be gold buttons but absolutely not gold, just gold in color. In reality, it could be even in the yellowish range. If someone feels that due to its color it is still prohibited, is this personal prohibition correct? It is for a formal wedding attire.

A: Walaikumsalam,

Yes, it is permissible for men to wear buttons that are gold in color but not made of actual gold or silver.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

P.s. (Please see explanation for why this issue sometimes comes about.)

I deeply understand and respect an individual’s reservations. Such discernment is indeed a sign of Imaan, Alhamdulillah. It is crucial to acknowledge that a mere resemblance to gold, while not being actual gold, holds a fundamental distinction. Hence, a mere resemblance alone does not warrant prohibition.

An observation has been made that some individuals, typically not scholars in fiqh, have expanded the prohibition to include items resembling gold but not actual gold for men as an additional precautionary measure. They believe that if it resembles gold, it must be abstained from. Such individuals often draw from analogies, such that of — whether one can eat with a gold spoon, and so forth. At times, their intention is to avoid what they perceive as a grey area.

Additionally, an ongoing debate surrounds the wearing of a full saffron-colored shirt, with some supporting it under certain conditions while others express reservations. I share this with you to highlight that certain issues may get conflated either due to a lack of research or out of an abundance of caution.

It is of utmost importance not to conflate prohibitions in other areas with the one specifically addressing the wearing of buttons that have the color of gold but are not made of gold or silver.

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