Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Moeslims unreliable neighbors


Q: Peace and greeting. What do moeslims feel went wrong that created the Israeli Palestinian conflict of October 7th? What made it happen? Why in this violent manner? Many say this makes Moeslims unreliable neighbors. I am a member of the media, you requested I send you the inquiry in email or text. Please share as much detail if possible. Thank you.

Answer: Salutations and greetings,

Part 1: An Exploration of Perspective

I appreciate your inquiry and I commend your quest for understanding. As one delves into the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian matter, it is vital to consider the diverse perspectives at play. I must admit that most of us, including the 2 billion Muslims globally are not experts in geopolitics. Therefore, my response, while rooted in empathy, should not be perceived as a professional political analysis. This is a multifaceted issue and to fully grasp its nuances, we must acknowledge the array of viewpoints surrounding it while never shying away from the truth.

Firstly, it is imperative to address the way your question is framed and phrased. The choice of words is crucial, as it can influence the perception of the issue at hand. The term “conflict” often implies a dispute between equals, like a familial disagreement. However, when we scrutinize the Israeli-Palestinian situation, it becomes evident that the term “conflict” falls short in capturing the gravity of the matter. What we are witnessing is not a mere conflict but a blatant oppression of a people. It is a situation marked by a severe power imbalance of an unprecedented level. To illustrate this point, consider the scenario of a 2-year-old child who accidentally drops a glass. If someone were to respond by breaking the child’s fingers, we would not categorize it as a family conflict. Instead, we would rightfully condemn it as an abuse of power and authority. This distinction is of utmost importance when discussing this issue. Conveniently, many choose to ignore this simple subtlety.

Part 2: Historical Underpinnings

To unravel the Palestinian issue and comprehend the reasons behind the actions of both parties, we must embark on an exploration of its intricate historical complexities. Neglecting this historical context would be akin to navigating treacherous terrain blindfolded, resulting in a form of gross negligence that has hindered many in understanding the true nature of this issue.

The historical roots can be traced back to 1948, with the establishment of the State of Israel. However, to gain a comprehensive perspective, we must also cast our gaze back to 1922—a pivotal year that marked another critical juncture in the history of this region. During this time, colonial forces played a significant role in shaping the events that would later unfold.

It is indeed perplexing how often the historical origins of this matter remain obscured from the public eye, despite the availability of credible sources that shed light on its origins. The flow of information during this critical period was tightly controlled, with a narrative stranglehold maintained by a select few. This imposed veil of secrecy concealed the forced exodus and dispossession of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs—a glaring historical injustice that blatantly contradicts the very principles of justice, fairness, and human rights championed by international humanitarian agencies, including the United Nations. (Please read Edward Said, or view his YouTube videos.)

Part 3: The Ongoing Conflict

The Palestinian struggle is deeply rooted in historical injustices, and the present continues to be marked by oppression, violence, and suffering. This multifaceted issue comprises several critical points that shape the narrative:

One of the central concerns revolves around Israel’s ongoing occupation of Palestinian territories, including the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza. The relentless construction of Israeli settlements on occupied land is widely perceived as an insurmountable barrier to peace, an audacious infringement upon the fundamental values of self-determination and sovereignty. The events of October 7th, although tragic are seen by some as an act of rebellion against what they view as gross injustices imposed on their lives and liberty. Sadly, many are viewing it as a situation in which, a lion that was fed the most amazing deer meat for a long time got unappreciative for having been given small pieces of chicken on one Saturday morning, triggering this act of violence.

The ongoing dehumanization of Palestinians, coupled with the displacement of countless individuals and their descendants, is a global concern. Millions of Palestinians remain registered as refugees, unjustly denied the right to return to their ancestral homes. The added absurdity that a Jewish person born in New York might have more legal claim to a Palestinian home than a Palestinian born in Palestine epitomizes the depths of this injustice.

The anguish and loss of civilian lives, including innocent women, children and individuals in hospital settings arouse profound sorrow and outrage across diverse backgrounds. The principles enshrined in the Geneva Conventions underscore the irreplaceable value of every human life, making it imperative for empathy, compassion, and the sanctity of human life to take precedence, demanding the unequivocal minimization of such heart-wrenching losses.

Jerusalem holds profound religious significance for Muslims, Jews, and Christians. Many, particularly within the Muslim community, fervently express their concerns about preserving access to religious sites, most notably the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Disputes over the control of Jerusalem have ignited tensions, underscoring the urgent need to safeguard religious freedom and the sanctity of cultural heritage. However, images of police mistreatment of worshippers in sacred spaces have called into question the spiritual consciousness of all who remain silent.

Part 4: The Quest for Peace

Despite decades of conflict, a prevailing sentiment persists: the Israeli-Palestinian matter has yet to witness a just and lasting resolution. Failed peace talks, sustained tensions, and a glaring lack of progress toward a two-state solution epitomize significant obstacles to peace and stability. This prolonged injustice flies in the face of universal values that uphold the principles of conflict resolution, diplomacy and the relentless pursuit of peace.

Part 5: The Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

Humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip, exacerbated by the ruthless impact of the blockade on its residents, defy religious boundaries. The plea for greater access to humanitarian aid and improved living conditions for Gazans is an outcry deeply rooted in the fundamental value of human dignity. To disregard this cry is to abandon our shared humanity.

Part 6: We have noticed, the world at large has acknowledged that it is important to have solidarity with the Palestinians. In the face of these challenges, multitudes of individuals – regardless of their geographic location, emphatically voice their unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian cause. They demand international support for the rights of the Palestinian people, their plea resonating with universal values deeply intertwined with justice, fairness, and the undeniable right to self-determination.

In Conclusion:

The above points are a brief testimony of what is most troubling, yet collectively stand as a stark testament to how the Israeli-Palestinian oppression tramples upon universal values, underscoring our collective concern for justice, human rights, peace and the well-being of every individual. This issue transcends religious and cultural boundaries, demanding action against these blatant injustices. It is a call for justice, an appeal for the preservation of human rights, and an unwavering commitment to peace—a cause that resonates with people from all walks of life, transcending borders, and uniting humanity in its pursuit of a brighter, more just future. As a reporter, you have a continual duty to report that which makes you happy as well as that which creates tremendous discomfort. For it is through the understanding of the pain and suffering of others do we fully become human.

Thank you for reaching it. Look forward to many more email from you.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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