Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Safe and Best Practices


Islam views spreading false information or false testimony as a serious matter and a prohibited action. In the Qur’an, Allah states: O you who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest you harm people unwittingly and afterwards become full of repentance for what you have done. (49:6). This highlights the importance of verifying information before acting on it and avoiding spreading false information, which can lead to harm and have negative consequences.
Spreading false information is considered a form of sin and could lead to severe punishments in the afterlife. Misinformation leads to direct harm to people’s physical health to influencing political outcomes, erodes trust in each other and adversly affects society and institutions. We need to be aware of misinformation to teach our youth and elderly on how to spot and analyze misinformation.

Why is this important? It goes against the principles of truthfulness, justice, and accountability that are central to Deen-al-Islam. All actions – including speech are held to a high standard and must align with moral and ethical teachings of the religion. That is why the Qur’an instructs Muslims to verify information before acting on it, to avoid spreading false information that can lead to harm, and to avoid engaging in sinful behavior. Furthermore, Islamic tradition holds that spreading false information is considered a form of sin and could lead to severe punishments in the afterlife.

How to be a solution and not the problem!

  1. Before spreading information, verify its accuracy and authenticity from reliable sources.
  2. Refrain from spreading information that is sensational or dramatic, as this often leads to the spread of false information.
  3. Analyze and evaluate the information before accepting and sharing it. 
  4. Educate and encourage others to verify information before accepting and spreading information.
  5. Do not knowingly spread false information or take part in spreading rumors.
  6. Seek knowledge and understanding of the teachings of Islam, which emphasize the importance of avoiding spreading false information.
  7. If one has knowingly or unknowingly spread false information, it is important to seek forgiveness and make a conscious effort to avoid repeating the same mistake.
  8. Better yet, if it does not concern you, stay away from it!

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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