Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Multiplier Outcomes to beat Stagnation


From an Islamic point of view, multiplying the value of each person within the family is important because it helps to fulfill the purpose of human life, which is to worship Allah and live in accordance with His commands. By nurturing the spiritual, moral, and intellectual development of children, parents can help their children to become strong, confident, and virtuous individuals who are able to make a positive impact in the world.

In Islam, family is seen as the foundation of society and the primary source of support and guidance for children. By ensuring that each member of the family is able to reach their full potential, the family can become a source of strength, stability, and support for the wider community.

In addition, by instilling Islamic values and teachings, such as compassion, forgiveness, and respect for others, children can develop into individuals who embody these values and contribute to a more harmonious and just society. This helps to further the broader Islamic goal of creating a society based on justice, equality, and compassion.

Therefore, from an Islamic point of view, multiplying the value of each person within the family is essential for the individual, the family, and the wider community, as it helps to fulfill the purpose of human life and create a better world for all.

Here are some steps that parents can take to exponentially develop the family framework:

-Islamic education: Encourage children to learn Allah (SWT) and Rasool (SAW) and practice what they have learnt, including regular attendance at mosque, reading the Quran, and learning about Islamic teachings and history.

-Good manners and behavior: Teach children good manners and ethical behavior in line with Islamic teachings, such as honesty, kindness, and respect for others.

-Moral values: Instill moral values such as compassion, generosity, and gratitude, which are central to the Islamic faith.

-Community involvement: Encourage children to be active members within community and participate in volunteer work.

-Role models: Provide positive role models, such as community leaders and scholars who embody Islamic values and teachings in a loving manner.

-Du’a (prayer): Encourage children to make Du’a (prayer) regularly and seek Allah’s guidance and blessings in all aspects of their lives.

-Mercy and forgiveness: Teach children the importance of showing mercy and forgiveness, which are central to Deen.

By incorporating these steps into their parenting, parents can help their children develop into well-rounded individuals who are able to reach their full potential, both materially and spiritually.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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