Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Al-Isra’ wal Miraj


Al-Isra’ wal Miraj represents the special connection between the human and the Divine, it remains a journey in which Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was physically transported to Jerusalem (Baitul Maqdis) and then ascended to heavens.

The second feature is the historical dimension of the event. The journey to Jerusalem and the subsequent ascension to heaven took place during a specific time in history and occurred during the early days of Islam. This event is seen as a symbol and gift of the early struggles and challenges faced by the early Muslims, as it gave the mark of triumph of the Deen Al Islam as a result of servitude.

The third feature is the social dimension of Al-Isra and Meraj. The month of Rajab is not only significant for Muslims, but also for society as a whole. The event of Al-Isra’ wal Miraj highlights the importance of tolerance, mutual understanding and respect between members of society. It serves as a reminder of the need to live in harmony and cooperation with others, regardless of religious or cultural differences.

The month of Rajab and the event of Al-Isra’ wal Miraj have a profound spiritual, historical and social significance. While there may be some debate and scrutiny over the recommended acts of worship during this month, the true significance of the month lies in the deeper meaning and message behind the event. It serves as a reminder of the connection between the human and the divine, the struggles and triumphs of the early days of Islam, and the importance of tolerance and mutual understanding in a plural society.

The highlights of this event include:
1)Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was physically transported from the holy city of Makkah to Jerusalem (Baytul Maqdis) in a breif moment of the night where he (SAW) met with previous prophets, including Ibraheem (AS) Musa (AS) Isaa (AS) and many others and led them in prayer.

2)After his journey to Jerusalem, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was then taken on an ascent through the seven heavens, where he met with various angels and Prophets revered by Muslims and members of other faiths.

3)Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is believed to have been closest to Allah (SAW) during this ascent, and received important revelations and instructions for the Ummah.

4)One of the most significant revelations received by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was the command to perform the five daily prayers.

5)This event is considered as one of the most significant event in Islamic history, it is also considered as a proof of Prophet’s prophethood. It is also considered as a spiritual journey that allowed the Prophet (SAW) to connect closest with Allah (SWT) and receive important revelations.

Al-Isra and Meraj  is considered by many Muslims to be an event that demonstrates the power and Mercy of Allah (SWT).

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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