Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America




 As the new year continues, it’s important for us as Muslims to contemplate the significance of our faith and how we can live in accordance with its teachings in 2023 and beyond. While there may be discussions about whether it is acceptable to wish others a “happy new year,” Muslims need to prioritize and take on a deeper reflection and commit to a greater understanding of events in Islamic history that transformed Muslim life. Let us view 2023 as an opportunity to strive towards living in accordance with Islam’s true value and transformational teachings.

The Islamic calendar does not begin with the birthday of prophet (Peace upon them all) or the victory of a particular battel, but rather with the Hijra, or migration. The Hijra marks the beginning of a new era and is tied to suffering, resilience, and determination of the early Muslims who left their beloved city of Makkah for the city of Medinah. They were welcomed and accepted by the people of Madinah with open arms, providing them with a sense of belonging and community. This is what Muslims do for other Muslims. Learning the art of letting go of vengeance and spite and replacing these energies with compassion and love with physical and spirual devolopment. This is what got this beautiful faith to reach us all the way to 2023!

The Hijra (migration) serves as a powerful reminder of the strength and resolve of the early Muslims. It also teaches us the value of acceptance and compassion. Moreover, the fact that the Islamic calendar is based on significant events within our history — rather than superficial celebrations serves as a reminder of the importance of these meaningful moments. As we begin the new year, we can use these lessons and values as a guide to live as faithful and purposeful Muslims. To accomplish this, we can strive to learn more about our history and the lessons it has to teach us while incorporating these values into our daily lives by being more compassionate and accepting towards others on principled values, and by focusing on what is truly meaningful and significant in our lives.

Let us embrace the challenges and opportunities that the new year brings, and use the lessons of the Hijra to strengthen our faith and commitment to our Deen. Let us strive to embody resilience, determination, acceptance, and compassion in all that we do, and work together to build a vibrant and meaningful community. InshaAllah, may the new year bring us closer to our goals and bring blessings and success to our community. InshaAllah, ameen!

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