Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Turn that hate into some love!


Q: Today we had a khutba (sermon) on hate in our musjid. I understand it is an evil thing. How do we stop these feelings. The local shiek could not cover it. Why do some of you Khateebs talk on topics but never give a solution? Its being bothering me. Can you olease help. (Nov 4-2022 Text message)

A: Asalamualikum, Dear Br/Sr:
When Allah (SWT) wishes good for a person, He places in them the ability to have positive halal (permissible) thoughts. It is not that negative thoughts would not come our way, its just that these thoughts would not control us to the point in which it takes us away from positive remembrances.
As outlined previously in our talks:

Feeling hate towards others is a natural and sometimes understandable human emotion. However, it can also be harmful to both the person experiencing the hate and the person being hated. As humans, we are not born to hate, nor appreciate being hated upon. If you are struggling with feelings of hate, here are some steps you can take to help stop these feelings:

-Recognize that feelings of hate are not healthy or productive. They will only serve to hurt you and others.
-Take some time to reflect on the reasons behind your feelings of hate. Is your hate based on fear, hurt, or misunderstanding?
-See the other person as a human, with their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This can help to put your feelings of hate into perspective.
-Practice forgiveness. Forgiveness can be difficult, but it can also be incredibly experiance. Forgivness does not mean you must become a door mat to the other.
-Consider seeking help from a qualified person that can provide guidance and support as you work through your feelings of hate.

– Hate can also result is hurting your releatshipship with Allah (SWT). Why distance yourself from Allah (SWT) by looking at His creation with an evil eye! This is a waste of energy!

It is never too late to change and to let go of hurtful feelings like hate. With the right help, you can learn to let go of these feelings and find more productive and healthy ways of dealing with difficult emotions.

Allah Certainly Knows Best

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