Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

‘Correct me if i am wrong please’


Please note. This question was sent to Since it was intended for Imaam Yasir of Noor Musjid, I had requested he respond to it. I appreciate his quick response.

Q:Asalamu Alaikum Wa rahmatulahi Wa barakatu. I was at a janaza last week. My question is about the recitation of the Quran that was read on the deceased. Whether its fatiha or al baqarah on the head and the feet. Ive heard that it is an act of B’idah when we do that. Correct me if i am wrong please. Why am i asking? because my Iman is getting tampered with. I understand if we read quran for ourself then make dua is a different story, however that wasn’t the intention of many individuls that were there because the sheikh cleary said “lets recite fatiha for the deceased”. thank you!

A: Walaikumsalam Wa rahmatulahi Wa barakatu

Thank you for providing an opportunity to educate the ummah on this issue here are the reasons for these actions that have caused concern to you:

Consensus of the Ummah

نقل شيخ الحنابلة الإمام موفق الدين بن قدامة الإجماعَ على ذلك في كتابه “المغني” (2/427، ط. هجر) فقال: [ولنا: ما ذكرناه، وأنه إجماع المسلمين؛ فإنهم في كل عصر ومصر يجتمعون ويقرأون القرآن ويهدون ثوابه إلى موتاهم من غير نكير، ولأن الحديث صح عن النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم: «إن الميت يُعَذَّبُ ببكاء أهله عليه»، والله أكرم من أن يوصل عقوبة المعصية إليه ويحجب عنه المثوبة] اهـ، وكذلك نقل الحافظ شمس الدين بن عبد الواحد المقدسي الحنبلي الإجماع على ذلك –كما سبق-، ونقله أيضًا الشيخ العثماني في كتابه “رحمة الأمة في اختلاف الأئمة” (ص: 72، ط. المكتبة التوفيقية)، ونص عبارته في ذلك: [وأجمعوا على أن الاستغفار والدعاء والصدقة والحج والعتق تنفع الميت ويصل إليه ثوابه، وقراءة القرآن عند القبر مستحبة] اهـ.

The Imam of Hanbalis Imam Muwaffaq Al-din Ibn Qudamah narrated consensus on this issue in his great book “Al-Mughni” (Vol 2, page 427 Hijr Publications) Quotation “ There is consensus of Muslims in every era and region they gather and read Quran and dedicate it to their dead without any one rejecting such practice.  As the hadith is clear that “the dead feels sorrow due to the crying of his relatives” and Allah is more kind then to allow sorrow to be experienced by the dead and not allow the joy to be experienced and reach the dead.

Similarly, Hafiz Shams ud Din bin Abdul Wahid Al Maqdasi Al Hanbali narrated Ijma (consensus)……End.

وقال في “رياض الصالحين” (1/295، ط. مؤسسة الرسالة): [قال الشافعي رحمه الله: ويُستحب أن يُقرأ عنده شيءٌ مِن القرآن، وإن ختموا القرآن عنده كان حسنًا] اهـ

It’s also narrated in Riyad-ul-Saliheen (Vol 1, page 295 Risala Publications) “Imam Shafi stated It is preferred that one reads some of Quran, and if they complete the Quran near the dead its appreciated”.

وعن ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما قال: سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم يقول: «إذا مات أحدُكم فلا تحبسوه، وأَسْرِعوا به إلى قبره، وليُقْرَأْ عند رأسه بفاتحة الكتاب، وعند رجليه بخاتمة سـورة البقرة في قبره» أخرجه الطبراني والبيهقي في شعب الإيمان، وإسناده حسنٌ كما قال الحافظ في الفتح»، وفي رواية «بفاتحة البقرة» بدلًا من «فاتحة الكتاب»».

Ibn Umar رضي الله عنه (The companion) I heard the prophet of Allah صلى الله و عليه وسلم Said “If one dies amongst you do not delay him, be fast to transferring him to his grave.  Read at his head (after burial) the fatiha and at his feet the end verses of Surah Baqrah.  Tabarani and Baihaqi narrated this hadith in Shuab Al Iman with Hassan (very Acceptable hadith) as accepted by Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani in his book Fateh ul Bari.  IN another narration the opening of  Surah Baqarah instead of the Fatiha.

ويكفينا في ذلك ما ذكره الحافظ الذهبي في ” سير أعلام النبلاء ” في ترجمة أبي جعفر الهاشمي الحنبلي [ ت 470 هـ ] شيخ الحنابلة في عصره ، قال : ” ودفن إلى جانب قبر الإمام أحمد ، ولزم الناس قبره مدةً حتى قيل : خُتِم على قبره عشرة آلاف ختمة ”

The student of Ibn Tayimiah, Hafiz (Hafiz=meaning memorized more than 100000 hadith like fatiha) in his biographies of Noble Scholars of Islam writes “That Abi Jafar Al-Hashmi Al-Hanbali (died 470 Hijri = only 470 Years after Hijra) and was the Imam of Hanbali Scholars in his era was buried and people kept going reading Quran on his grave for a while.  People completes 10,000 times on his grave”

وبالله التوفيق

Only Allah Grants Ability to Respond.

In Summary, Hadith and History stand in direct contrast to your objections my beloved student.  Be humble and learn and do not get distracted and doubt your Imams decisions as we are acting with fear of reckoning of the last day.

Yasir Q Butt

(imaam Musjid Noor)

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