Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

the things our imaams say and do!


Q: As an imam you have said supermarket meat is halal. I went to a family and they insist I eat because you have said it was halal. You have said chicken bought from regular nonmuslim supermarkets is also halal. I find that your disgusting ruling is the cause of much fitah (corruption!) . Can you kindly provide proof for why you say it is halal. Additionally, I have sent you a fatwa on how such meat are haram. Plese Imaam for the sake of Allah reform you thinking before Allah grabs you by your throat as your allow this poor animals to be slaughters in this savage manner. Wallai shiek this is just wrong.

A: May Allah (SWT) reward you for seeking clarity. I really can sense the sincerity from your email.  I am really touched by it. I sincerely appreciate you sending me information regarding the above false claim that has my name on it.

I have not said any of the above.

I am in favor of meat that is hand slaughtered by fellow Muslims in the name of Allah (SWT).

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

p.s. I also agree with the fatwa you have sent.  May Allah (SWT) reward you for it as well. Our opinion has been no different.  kindly view our opinion on the ‘meat matter’ via the search box.

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