Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Reflect on the wrong and attempt to fix it

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Q. Assalamu Alaikum brother Imam, My concern is that I have been trying to get back on the right path and I have gotten my family in huge trouble with the law that I was not aware that I was doing and now I brought such disgrace to my family and my parents want to kick me out and I do not know what to do. I know that I probably deserve it but I fear that I have failed and brought a lot pain to my mother. Now, I do not know how to get them into this trap that I have unintentionally put them into. Please help me find solution as soon as you can. Jazakamullahi Khair

A:  One of the signs of imaan is that a person will reflect upon the wrong they have done an attempt to put it right. Good people will use their past to improve their present and also improve the lives of others.
Sit down with your parents and acknowledge to them that indeed you have made mistakes in your past. Present to them an outline of how you are going to improve your life from here on. For example, you are going to pray on time. You will continue with your job or find a job and be more responsible. You will make a contribution to your family and those around you. You will attend your local Islamic Center. Present to them the changes you are going to make in a very specific manner. Again for example, at 3:30 I am going to read Quran. At 4:30 I am going to exercise. At 7:30 p.m. I will report to a person of parental  choice the things that I have done to improve my life during the cause of the day. Once a week, I will have an evaluation of my behavior.
Parents seeing a positive change typically choose to help the child. At this point, they are still unsure about the wrong things you have done. Prove to them you are going to do better. If there’s anything more I can do for you, kindly call upon me.

Allah certainly knows best.

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