Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

where did i come from? Darwins theory is a theory, not a fact!


Q: i work as an interpreter at a high school. I translate what the teacher is saying to the student. is it allowed to translate on evolution and what darwin says?Is my earning halal?

A: To work as an interpreter is very beneficial. Helping people better understand the shared values between American culture and Muslim values can be very rewarding.

Evolution as at times represented is not known as a fact. It is a mere theory. It is also taught as a theory. You should assist in making this clear to students. Likewise, there are also other theories that are taught as it relates to evolution. Students should be informed — the Darwinian evolutionary theory has gained momentum merely because other secular theories either lack strength, or due to the separation of church and state, religious ideas pertaining to our origin have been marginalized.

If one views the matter as outlined above, the income earned would be in good standing. By contrast, if you teach that which is against your values, or you feel that the Darwinian theory is indeed a fact and that the Quran is in error, then in such a case your earning would be contaminated (haram) and your faith would be in jeopardy. May Allah (SWT) protect us, ameen.

May Allah bless you and your students, ameen.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.


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