Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

‘what do you know about Wasila’

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My Question is, what do you know about Wasila, Please remove my confusion. My friends said to me Wasila of  profit MUHAMMAD s.a.w. is correct. We give refrence in Dua. o ALLAH,please you accept my Dua by waseela of prophet,
please you cod reference Thanks

Time: January 22, 2014 at 8:01 AM

A: Walaikumsalam,

Wasila is best translated as seeking intersession, also known as tawassul by many. These two concepts have been proven through Quran and Ahadeeth.

Ayah: O you who believe, Fear Allah (SWT) and seek waseela to Him (Allah)

Hadeeth: Sayidinah Uthmaan ibn Hunaif (RA) narrates that a blind man came to Rasulullah (SAW) and said: Pray to Allah that he cures me. Rasulullah (SAW) said: If you wish, I will make dua for you and if you wish you can observe Sabr (patience) and that is (would be) better for you. He said: Make dua for me. Rasūlullah (SAW) then instructed him to make Whudh (ablution) properly and make the following dua, Oh Allah, I ask You and turn to You through my Prophet Mohammad (SAW), the Prophet of mercy; I seek your (SAW) intercession with my need that it may be fulfilled. Rasulullah (SAW) said, Allah, grant him intercession for me.

Ruling:  As can be noted, we can ask Allah (SWT) for our needs through the great actions and contribution of Rasulullah (SAW). People however are doing it the wrong way, therefore it is better we try and refrain from Waseela. In fact, if a good act is done in a way that would cause shirk (creating partners with Allah (SWT)), we are called upon to abstain from it. If we are to do it, let us ask the scholars on how to do it.

For example:

I need to pass my exam, in this scenario how would I ask through the concept of Waseela? Oh Allah, I have studied hard, I ask You Oh Allah to allow me to pass. Your servant and slave Mohammad (SAW) has made the greatest contribution and in His (SAW) good noble deeds, I ask of you to pass me. Oh Allah if you feel passing would be best for me, I accept, if I fail despite my efforts, you know best why I am to do poorly. Such a waseela is not incorrect.

To say, Oh Mohammad (SAW) ask Allah to make me pass. To say this away from the grave of Rasulullah (SAW) would be wrong and would constitute shirk. Even worse would be to say: oh Mohammad (SAW) allow me to pass this exam/get me married/get my business out of failure, get me a job/baby, etc. Abstain from these last two types of examples. They are filled with sin.

If you confused on how to ask Allah (SWT), ask a balanced scholar. Or just abstain from doing Tawasool, unless you are clear about it. Ascribing partners with Allah (SWT) is a serious sin. We should exercise caution.

May Allah (SWT) make us all better people as a result of the great efforts of our Rasool (SAW), ameen.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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