Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

lack of talking for a long period does not mean divorce


Q: In our culture we go and get married overseas. I am must act shy as if I don’t know what a guy is all about. I am btw in the medical field and look at men and woman ALL DAY. He must act like all lovey dovey to my parents. parents then tell me what a great catch he is to me. It’s a big cultural game to get me to the highest bidder to come to America. We got married January 1st 2012 to start new yr. we have never talked because it is wrong to talk until we are physically tog. Funny part is that I can talk to guys at work, college, dmv, police when pulled over, gas station, grp projects… Now that his paper work is done he is going to come to America. Some woman say that since we did not talk after our wedding I have to do a nikah all over again. Is this true?

A: You are viewed as married, even though you both did not communicate.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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