Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

‘Roxy t-shirt’


Q: Why does our local imaam not allow us to wear name brand jeans, tops with designer labels but in mecca and medinah they sell it. Today my daughter got suspended for wearing a roxy t-shirt. Can you shed some religious light on this. Thanks.

A: In Maccah and Madinah there are people that also pray all-night and take to fasting all day. Then are those that also recite and entire Quran on a daily bases. Does this mean you are obligated to do light wise? We must pick and choose only that which suits our desires, nor should we encourage such behavior. We do not follow people, we follow the Quranic claim: And the clothing of piety is best…

Your child is not attending a fashion show. Children are attending school for educational purposes. If the school has a dress-code, we should accept it, more so if it is to inculcate better values.

Scholars are unanimous, to wear clothing that exposes the shape of the body is incorrect – haram. This applies to male and female, more-so if it exposes unwanted body parts. Wearing a t-shirt in public before strangers that shows the shape of the body too would be considered wrong, not only from an Islamic point of view but secularist to would agree that such adornment should be private and kept away from the school.

More than your daughter wearing something tacky in public, I am more offended that you are seeking to side her. I am sadly more disappointed in you than in her. However, if your question was with good intention, I ask for your apology for reading more into it than necessary.

Please make dua for me, amen.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.


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