Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Boston Marathon Tragedy


It is with tremendous shock and sadness that we encounter the news today of the tragedy unfolding at the Boston Marathon. While marathons are supposed to be events of inspiration, of witnessing the strength of the human spirit, of marveling at the human ability to overcome great obstacles, the Boston Marathon of 2013 has become a paradoxical scene, a site where human endurance has met with sheer inhumanity.

We urge the media to direct questions about the identity of these criminals to the right people, i.e., law enforcement. We don’t know any more than you do regarding the identity of who has perpetrated these heinous acts. Like you, we do hope and pray that those involved do not claim to share our faith, and have not committed such acts in the name of our faith. Additionally, however, our thoughts and prayers are with those who have suffered injury and fatality and with those providing assistance at the scene.

We would like to take a moment to urge the Islamic organizations and mosques of Boston to open their doors and their arms, in whatever capacities available to them, to the injured in Boston. We  urge Muslims to assist in whatever ways possible, be it through the donation of blood, or offering voluntary aid to organizations at the scene.

We would also like to take a moment to pray for victims of all tragedies; living in a peaceful nation often means that such events are, thankfully, a relatively infrequent shock and affront to our sensibilities and our values. However, such events are too often a daily affront to the sensibilities, values, and way of life for people in many parts of our very small world. Our thoughts and prayers are for victims everywhere, on this day most especially Boston, and it is our fervent prayer that peace pays all of humankind a visit.


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