Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

We not saying NO to driving, so read cautiously


Q: Asalamalaikum, ya shiek, a shiek has said that driving for woman is haram.  All the excuses that are made forwoman to driving ‘works of shaytan’ (the shiek said)  Can you please comment.  I ask because my father agrees with this shiek. My brother sleep so he does not take us on time to school.  Last semester i was late late for class 21 times.  My sisters are also dropped off late .  Please advice. Thanks imaam

A: Walaikumsalam,

Due to the fitna that is sometimes created by woman roaming the streets, some ulama have found it imperative that a woman travel with a mahram or in a group form, regardless of distance. Our recommendation too is that women not travel alone. This would limit men chasing after them. Unwanted flirtations which result at times in direct haram, etc.

In traditional culture, many women do not work outside the home, thus, if she does not work outside the home, why must there be a need for her to drive? If she is not working, her husband/father/brother ought to be supporting her, true support demands making arrangements for groceries, school drop offs (on time ) etc. Often, men do not want to do what is called of them, resulting in many ills.

It is not that men do not use motor vehicles to do actions of corruption.  However, religion has a reason for saying: it is best for a woman to remain in the inner most portion of her home. Men getting married and having children must make an allowance for family purchases, drop offs etc themselves.  Men must realize that this is all part of married life.  This is why men shouldering the responsibility of marriage would attain such a superior Jannah.  Jannah does not come cheap. It comes after much good choices and sacrifice.  It is not that Islam wants woman to be tied or locked up. It is just that certain things assist in greater fitnah, and as people of faith we must better monitor  actions that would contribute to fitnah. Mothers/woman/girls too must realize, today they drive and remain innocent, what guarantee a mother/aunt, etc has that her daughter/niece would not exploit this ‘privilege’ towards that which is corrupt.

Therefore during the times of ‘fitna’ it is best that a woman limits her driving to that which is necessary.  Leave the remainder chores to the men of the household.  She must not function as a taxi service. Her husband and brother pushing her to expose herself to the public will be held liable in the Court of Allah. Allah has given her a special position — none of them indicating that she gallivant the streets or function as a shuffling service for her family.  Anyone encouraging such behavior would share in its sin.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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