Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

a person says Jazakallah what do I say


Q: When a person says Jazakallah what do I say? I want to say something but don’t want to look like a fool. (text)

A: The word Jazakumullah is used as a phrase to show appreciation, no different to a simple ‘thank you.’ However, Jazakumullah has in it the element of religiosity, for it can also function as a dua, thus becoming an act of ibadah (worship.)

There is no ‘single’ response that needs to be shared to this phrase when mentioned. Like the salam, once a response is given, the matter is generally over. Or else, we would continue with giving a response to a given phrase all day.

Thus, if one wanted to say something when the word Jazakumullah was mentioned, merely say ameen. This would be an acknowledgment to the person saying, may Allah give you compensation (jazakumullah) and you saying Ameen (may Allah accept.)

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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