Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Do I need to pay fidya if a year passed


Q: In the Past Ramadans there were days that when I would get my menses during the day after dhur or after. I never made up those first days of menses because I was told before that your fast goes through if your menses come after you have fasted half of the day or more. Alhamduillah, I have made up all my past fast that I have missed due to menses except the first days of the menses due to this misconception.I learned after last Ramadan that it was not true. I tried making up those first days of my menses. I estimated to be total 9 days. Alahdmuillah, I made up 5 days and I need to still make up 4 days after Ramadan.However, I was not successful in making them up before this Ramadan because of procrastination. I feel really bad and I intent to finish making those days up inshaAllah after this Ramadan. Do I need to pay fidya on it since I had close to a year after realization to make up and I did not? May Allah(s.w.t) bless you, the admin and all your Families . Aameen!

A:Do a makeup for all those fasts that are still outstanding as soon as Ramadaan is over. Should your health not allow you to do a qadha, at that point the issue of fidya would come into existence. Until that point, start your makeup after Ramadaan.

May Allah (SWT) bless you and your family as well, amen.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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