Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Generational Change of Barack Obama


Generational Change of Barack Obama, by Muhammed S. Mehtar

as shared to reporter Albert Jones of The Daily Times

The majority of Muslims in the United States were pleased to campaign resourcefully and successfully, and remain proud to have been part of sharing in the historic vote for the agent of positive change. President Barack Obama’s ideas invigorated the majority in comparison to his contemporaries. Such sentiments are shared within the US and abroad, be it amongst the allies of the United states or her foes.

President Obama’s energetic approach and his campaign showed great potential, and there is much hope for his promises to be made true. The hope, energy, and overall positivity of his campaign logically demands the support of not just Judeo-Christian minded Americans, but American Muslims in vast numbers as well.  Islam being a religion of change itself and change in comparison to religions that preceded it, Muslims have once again chosen the path of newness and have thus trusted the words of President Barack Obama for a better America and more gentle and reconciliatory world.

Thus, on the national front, the choice of Mr. Obama by Muslims in America is a result of the perception that an Obama choice would result in greater equality and understanding between Muslims and their neighbors. On the international front, an Obama victory signals more peace and security and a smoother working relationship between the US and foreign nations seeking a better and more equitable future for their people.

Noting such Muslims’ thinking, it would be fair to point out that Muslims, like all of humanity, give support to the reality of a more peaceful, prosperous and secure world. Thus, in the back drop, a victory for President Obama beams hope for a world undergoing recession and security concerns. Consequently, Muslims and non-Muslim nations alike, be it countries like China, or for that matter, conflict-ridden countries like Iraq,  Afghanistan, Iran etc. all gave support and a congratulatory gesture for then President-Elect Obama.  Despite US supremacy within the areas of land, sea and air, a Barack vote from the United States citizenry also challenged the Obama cabinet to fulfill an aspiration of peace and security on all levels.

On the foreign front, it is not a wonder that countries embroiled in conflict, as well as those viewed as a potential threat to our national security, observe his selection as a US presidential choice as hope for possible smoother relations. Such countries feel that the United States, with its newly elected president of change, inspires positive change and the removal of potentially lingering conflict and an immediate resolution to crises.

Like all, Muslims also aspire to a better life. They distinguish Mr. Obama as a beacon of hope, an eliminator of prejudice and contributor of tearing down the walls of racism, casting aside continual gender inequities, continually eliminating economic barriers for all, and, most importantly, securing peace for our nation and the international communities alike. For Muslims, his background of living abroad aids in shunning aside stereotypes of various groups, and potentially increases his ability to help the world toss aside Islamophobia on all levels in exchange for a better world.  Such is the vision that Obama has created for our generation, coupled with the shared hope that he will create positive economic growth, stability within the US and abroad and will restore confidence in the people.

Muslims support people of good wherever they may be, and as always, Muslims are called upon to continually support the good moral choices our leaders make. It is our duty to help facilitate a better America, a gentler and kinder America, a better world for all of humanity. Fiction or fantasy, the hope shared by Muslims and all those seeking a better America have sown the seeds of a positive future harvest filled with an expectation upon President Obama and his cabinet which goes quite far beyond the expectations on any president in modern times. With such positivity and common good in mind, the Islamic Society of Greater Salt Lake continues to wish the very best to President Barack Obama.

Imaam of the Islamic Society of Greater Salt Lake

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