Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

zakah of pork? alcholol?


Q: I am embarrassed to ask you this question. We sell pork products and alcohol. We are part of a franchise. You once made a comment on this matter. can you again clarify for me.  Do we pay zakat on these items? If another imam allows for it how do we explain this  to business partners (email)

A: Allah gives us the best; He expects the best from us. (Derived from Quran)

As a rule, to give pork earnings and alcohol earnings as part of one’s Zakat is disgusting towards a Kind and loving Creator. Allah does not want that which is from haram. Zakat functions to purify ones wealth. Pork and alcohol as well as their earnings as mentioned by you can never be purified. Any benefit derived from them is forbidden, thus, there is no zakat on such contaminated items.

You must divide your earnings. Those that come from Haram avenues should be deducted and given away to the poor without the intention of reward.

You should request the franchise owner to assist you in eliminating such prohibited products from your store. If they refuse, gradually seek new avenues towards a halal earning. Consumption of haram affects the quality of our prayers, respect and harmony between family members, reduces positive community relations, lowers the acceptance of duas, also reduces mercy and forgiveness from Allah (SWT), etc.

I appreciate your question. Their is no need to be embarrassed so long as you go beyond the questioning phase and become the best you can ever be. May Allah (SWT) bless you in making your matters easy.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

P.s. Kindly have this ‘other’ Imaam send us in writing on how he has derived that it is permissible to sell pork and alcohol.

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