Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

go easy on the water, ghusal need not be 7 times


Assalam alikum our Sheikh, may Allah protect you and lighten you from the core and to the outside.
My first question is: Is there a specific way to preform Ghussul (taking a shower) for women after their menses? Or can women just take a shower (already done the intention) and then with water only 7 times? I really need your input as you can tell I don’t really know, I’ve been doing what the culture tells me, but it isn’t always valid.
Does Ghussul differ from adult relations Ghussul and menses Ghussul?

Also, if a woman had taken a shower to purify herself from menses, she made the intention, and did the 7 times Ghussul, but didn’t preform the Wudu at the end, does that validates her Ghussul? what if she had prayed already? Does she have to do the whole Ghussul again?
I would appreciate Imam Shafiee’s input for my questions.

Time: Thursday November 11, 2010 at 8:04 am
A: ?????? ?????? ????? ???? ???????
Ameen to your duas, wishing you and your family the same. Your dua seems more unique than others, May Allah (SWT) accept your dua for all, ameen.
*One time minimum with every pore being washed over once. Such a washing would also constitute as part fard ghusal (if needed).
*Three times would also constitute sunnah for those that have extra water.
*Hanafee need not make intention for whudhu at the time of making whudu. Intention for Ahnaf gains them greater virtue. They should practice the making of intention for added reward. Shafee would have to make intention for whudhu for it to go through.
*To wash 7 times only becomes necessary if each prior washing has failed in removing an impurity (and one knows that additional washing is imperative in its removal.)! Once is fard if all the impurities can be removed, three times would be sunnah without being excessive as wastage goes — going beyond would depend on the situation. For the average person, three washings would be ample.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

p.s. resend if you feel something has not been answered.


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