Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

if you not shy to be gay, i need not be shy to be gay (happy) with my choices too!


Q: I am studying to work in a profession with disadvantaged populations where I may have to work with homosexual individuals. I realize Islam does not condone homosexuality, and I’m having trouble reconciling religion and the ethics outlined in by my profession. In my profession I am working with individuals who may have participated in haram acts (such as child abuse, sexually inappropriate behavior, drug abuse, etc.), but in their cases I am working to improve their behavior, where in the case of homosexual individuals, my profession has outlined it as ethically irresponsible for me to discourage their lifestyle, and may even require me to encourage it. My area of focus is not with gay populations, and it’s possible I could never have this interaction at all, but should I run into this problem, I would like to have an idea of what would be an Islamically appropriate thing to do. Thank you!
Time: Tuesday February 22, 2011 at 9:14 pm

A1:) While it remains correct that we are living in sensitive times– a period in which those that were marginalized seem it appropriate to attain extended rights for past ‘injustices’ perpetrated upon them, those that oppose a particular lifestyle choice  should also be given the right to present their choices/views without violating sacred and/or social/political norms.

Thus, people of faith should continue to promote good healthy values to all people at all times. A person should not promote what they are not comfortable promoting — be it through interaction, support systems, etc.  If the law is to be our judge and guide, than just as it is unfair to promote opposite gender relations, the law likewise should be opposed to the promotion of same gender intimacy.  Just as it remains unhealthy for a homosexual to hear words that oppose their given notion of a ‘traditional lifestyle,’ you too as a health professional should be allowed to your healthy opinions and limit your contact with certain people — people you feel that you are not be able to give service too without violating your emotional/spiritual rights. Likewise, it would not be healthy to promote the health of another and the expense of your health.

In retrospect, working in an environment that takes employee consideration at heart would be of ideal benefit to you, your company as well as clients.  (I am not advocating: ‘hate gay people,’ what i am saying is the following: work in an environment or around people that would promote the most positive outcome as part of all your interactions.)
View point two: As muslims, you are welcome to work with anyone who you can change for the better. If you feel that you can make a person into a better person — upholding personal values that are linked to your true religious sentiments, assist clients in attaining a more positive and healthy lifestyle choice, then in such an instance, Islam does not limit you with working with them. If people persist in an ill, then we are asked to limit our interaction with them until they rectify the situation. As we are all aware, like all other religions, Islam too limits a person to when it comes to assisting them in choices that oppose the values of personal choice, religion and country.
If you feel that this would be impossible for you to bear, request the case be transferred to a person that would better have a handle on such matters.
Allah Certainly Knows Best

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