Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Stillborn Janazah or not? Name or not?


Q. Still born given a name?
Q. Ghusal needed for still born child?
Q. What is the procedure for baby born dead after 8 months?

Answer: If the child is considered stillborn, then the following rules would apply:

  • A full ghusal would be performed upon the child. You would not place the child in a full kaffan (burial cloth). The child would be placed in a single (one) cloth. The child would be wrapped in this cloth and thereafter buried.
  • A name would be awarded to your 8 month old still born child prior to its burial.
  • If the child has body parts that had been fully developed, regardless of the amount of moths old prior to its stillbirth, then too you would name the child, wrap the child in a one piece kaffan and bury the child without a janazah salah. (Same as rule two)
  • There will be no janazah salah for the child who falls in the category of ‘stillborn.’
  • If the child is considered born and thereafter passes away, the child would be given a name, the child would have a normal burial, a sunnat ghusal, normal kaffan (not one piece like that of a stillbirth) and a janazah salah would be performed.
  • Grave size can be smaller in the case of a live or stillbirth situation.

Allah certainly knows best.

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