Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Let it go


Q. I work in an area where businesses get together for dhuhr. We all go to for dhuhr salaah at the same time. Salaah with jamaat is more rewarding than alone. But what happens if I need to go to the restroom (toilet). Must I hold it and perform salaah or go and do my bathroom stuff then perform salaah alone and miss the reward of salaah with jamaat?

A.1) Imaam Malik’s (rahimullah) opinion is that if one has to go to the toilet, and the need of going to the toilet is of such an intensity that a distraction for the salah took place, then the salah that was performed must be repeated. (Thus, it appears that Imaam Malik (rahimullah) is of the belief that the worship of Allah demands that we think of Him, not external needs!)

Jamhoor (the majority of the major imaams): Salaah would be complete (while having the need to go to the bathroom) however; the salaah would be considered makrooh (lower in value, a disliked action indeed.)

Hanafis argue that if the need for attending the bathroom is severe, then it is valid for one to miss the salaah with jamaat, however, for one to insist on performing the salaah in such a state is Makrooh-e-tahrimi. (Extremely disliked, a highly reprehensible action and very close to the point of it being haram and thus such an action that is worthy of punishment by Allah!)  However, if one needs to go to the bathroom, but the urge is not severe, yet this urge would affect the tranquility of one’s salaah, then it is allowed to miss salaah with jamaat. To perform salaah in this state would be Makrooh-e-tanzihi. (A disliked action.  Makrooh-e-tanzihi has been defined as that action which you must abstain from; however, if out of weakness you took part in an act which constitutes Makrooh-e-tanzihi, then insha-Allah, Allah would forgive you and you would not get a punishment for such an action)

Advice to my brother(s) (and sisters)-your solution:

Thus, in light of the above, the best thing for you to do is go to the bathroom when you need to go. Better yet, half an hour before the adhaan, go and take care of your needs, that way you can think of Allah in the manner you ought to be thinking of Him. This would solve your problem.

Allah certainly knows best.

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