Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Sing a song


Q. I am addicted to songs. Are songs and nasheeds allowed? Some say singing and songs are okay because they use words of Allah and Prophet (SAW).

A. Using words such as Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) and Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) does not make a thing permissible. If what you are listening to lacks musical instruments, then it would be permissible. If it has music, as do many western songs, then its prohibition would remain, even though it may be titled an ‘Islamic song.’ A mere title is not evidence for its permissibility or validity. Usage of the duff would allow for its permissibility; however, difference of opinion exists as to who should use the duff, and under what occasion. Thus, if a person is singing nasheeds without the assistance of anything other than one’s naturally talented voice, then it would be most ideal to listen to such a ‘talented individual.’

However, in your case, you should let go of listening to even the permissible nasheeds, due to your claim of ‘addiction.’  Islam supports balance, and an ‘addiction’ is not the feature of a balanced person. Thus, if you are listening to ‘non-musically enhanced’ nasheeds which are directed by human talent, then we suggest you do so in moderation. And such permissibility would continue so long as it does not become a distraction for you in attaining greater levels of closeness to Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala).

Allah certainly knows best.

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