Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

What to do with my organs?

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Q. What is the Islamic opinion on organ donating?

A. Islam seeks that life be protected, and that life be viewed sacredly. Islam does not sanction giving away portions of the body — unless a great need exists and that it is done in responsible manner. Body parts cannot be sold, nor should they be given at random for mere research or the sheer notion that ‘someone out there can benefit from my body or organs.’

The case would depend on aspects of necessity which would be inclusive of saving another’s life. The situation of wanting to donate organs would have to be an extreme circumstance which would not be limited to but inclusive of a life and death situation. ‘Professional’ insight that such an exchange would result in the recipient gaining longevity should also be a factor of consideration.

Each case should best be referred to both: a pious and highly qualified Muslim scholar as well as a pious Muslim doctor for best religious and medical evaluation.

Allah certainly knows best.

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