Q: Asa
I own a 7-11 and today my child went to Sunday school and the new mufti refused to take the tuition and said to my children you can come for free. The money of 7-11 is haram and he would not accepted this as payment. Is owning a 7-11 haram? Another shikh said it was ok to own a 7-11. Plse help.
A: Walaikumsalam:
As Muslims, it is not permissible for us to consume what Allah (SWT) has forbidden, sell what is prohibited, or even give it away as a gift. Doing so knowingly and intentionally is undoubtedly a sin. Rasool (ﷺ) said: Indeed, Allah is pure and only accepts that which is pure. (Hadith)
If something is haram, we must strive to replace it with that which is halal. If this is not possible, then the wealth acquired through haram means cannot be used for oneself or for innocent family members. Such money must be disposed of in charity, without the expectation of any reward, as it is impure. Allah (SWT) commands: O you who have believe, eat from the good (lawful) things which We have provided for you and be grateful to Allah, if it is (indeed) Him that you worship. (2:172)
Regarding the concern of the ‘mufti,’ it is likely that he wishes to keep the masjid funds free from any doubtful sources, as Islam teaches us to avoid matters of doubt. Rasool (ﷺ) said: That which is lawful is clear, and that which is unlawful is clear, and between the two of them are doubtful matters about which many people do not know. Thus, he who avoids doubtful matters clears himself in regard to his religion and his honor. (Hadith)
What you can do is seek a more religiously compliant business opportunity that ensures your earnings are pure and free of doubt. May Allah (SWT) bless you for your sincerity in this matter and guide you to what is best.
This response is not meant to be judgmental but rather a religious clarification on behalf of why you experienced such a reaction from the scholar. We are not saying to own 7-11 is halal or haram, that is separate issue all together. (It depends the country in which it is owned, products kept, etc.)
Allah certainly knows best.