Q. Is washing the hands before eating sunnah? Some people do not wipe after washing their hands? Is there a point to not wiping the hands?
A. Islam commands us to eat pure foods in a clean and healthy manner. Thus, washing of the hands enables a person to wash away unwanted particles. To wipe the washed hands with a towel that everyone else has already used defeats the purpose of washing away unwanted particles, i.e. gems, etc. Using a fresh towel by contrast would be against the sunnah.
Thus, before eating, when one washers their hands, the hands should not be wiped. The extra water can be left to drip in the sink, so as to not make a watery mess, (should this be a concern).
After eating one can wipe their hands with a towel after washing it. After eating does not call for placing ones hand in the mouth, before eating does, thus one is preferred to wipe in one condition, and not the other.
Allah Certainly Knows Best.