Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Commanding good and forbidding evil has to be done also in a good way


Q: Shiek Salamalaikum, we have a saying in our culture, what ever your husband tells you to do you must do. The sin will be on him so it does not matter. And we do it. I am not comfortable with some of these wants. What if he tells us to do a haram. Shukran

A: Walaikumsalam,

Embracing a commitment to resist wrongdoing signifies a strong foundation of imaan. For this quality you are blessed. Equally important is the principle of not imposing one’s religious beliefs on others is also an integral aspect of imaan. Nurturing the imaan of your partner is also a noteworthy part of one’s faith. Prioritizing adherence to what is right and just becomes paramount in upholding one’s Islamic values. Withstanding such information, commanding what is good and forbidding what is evil is clearly what Allah (SWT) expects of every Muslim. Yet, these commands must also be followed in a dignified manner with knowledge and wisdom.

Thus, it is essential to acknowledge that not every type of wrong is straightforwardly categorized as haram, and conversely, not every halal thing may be universally beneficial in every situation. In light of this nuanced understanding, and not knowing your situation, I highly recommend seeking guidance from your local scholar. Such consultation allows for a comprehensive and personalized assessment of your unique circumstances, enabling you to pursue a righteous and well-informed course of action tailored to your specific situation and relationship.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

* If you are local, you are welcome to call. You are welcome to keep your information private when calling.

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